Getting started with Troven

Lets create your first assessment

Create a Workspace

Workspaces are folders in which you can create assessments.

Follow below steps to create a Workspace:

  • Navigate to Workspace tab
  • Click on New Workspace
  • Add Workspace name, Description, Thumbnail and save it.
  • Once a Workspace is created, you will see the following information on the Workspace card.
    • Created by: Name of the user who created the workspace.
    • Number of assessments: It will show the number of assessments present in a workspace.
    • Date created: Creation date of the workspace.

Create a Student batch

A folder in which you can add candidates either one by one or in bulk whom you want to invite for an assessment

Follow below steps to create a Student batch

  • Navigate to Student Management tab
  • Click on New Batch
  • Add Student batch name, Description, Thumbnail and save it.
  • Once a Student batch is created, you will see the following information on the Student batch card
    • Created by: Name of the user who created the Student batch.
    • Number of students: Number of students added in the batch.

Add students
You can add candidates either one by one or import in bulk

Follow below steps to add students One by one.

  • Open a Student batch
  • Click on Add student
  • Add student details Name, email, phone number and click on Add

Follow below steps to import students in bulk.

  • Open a Student batch
  • Click on Import students
  • Download the sample CSV file.
  • In the CSV file, add the list of students with their info - Name, Email and Phone number and save it.
  • After you updated the candidate’s details in the file, Follow steps 1 and 2 again and then upload the CSV file that you updated and click on Add

Create a Question Bank

You can add one by one question or bulk upload questions in the Question Bank and create your own Questions library.

Follow below steps to Bulk upload questions in the Question Bank.

  • Navigate to Questionbank.
  • Click on New Question Bank you will get a pop up, Enter the Name of the question bank click on Create folder. This pop up window also has a radio button to make the question bank live or private
  • In the question bank you will see Import questions
  • To import questions in Bulk, click on Import questions,You will see a pop up. Download sample csv file from the pop up
  • CSV file format -
    • Question: Add your questions here.
    • Difficulty Level: Add the difficulty level of the question - Easy, Medium or Hard.
    • Skill: Add the list of skills related to the question separated by commas.
    • MarksOfQuestion: Add marks for each question.
    • Type: Add question type
      • MCQ: Multiple choice question
      • MAQ: Multiple answers question
      • FIB: Fill in the blank
      • T/F: Truer or False
    • NumberOfOptions: You can add maximum 5 options - Add number of options Eg: 5.
    • imgUrl: To include any image to the question add the image url
    • Options - option, option2, option3, option4, option5: Add options under these fields
    • selectedOptions: Add the correct answer in this format Eg: optionA
    • Description: Add any description that you want to add to your question.
  • After updating the CSV file, go back to the pop up, In Question Type drop down select other if your file consists of questions only MCQ,MAQ,FIB or T/F questions. To upload the csv file, Click on Upload file, browse to the file in your computer and then click on Upload.
  • Once the csv file is uploaded, all your questions will be uploaded in the question bank which you can on the left side of the question bank. You can edit or delete your questions from here by clicking on the specific option for each question.
  • Click Back to navigate to the Question Bank.

Add questions one by one

Follow below steps to add students One by one.

  • Navigate to Questionbank.
  • Open a question. You will see a button Add Question
  • A pop up window will appear with all the fields as follows
  • Select Question type - MCQ, MAQ, T/F or FIB.
  • Select the difficulty level of the question.
  • Enter marks you want to allot for it.
  • Add skills from the drop down list. You can type and find the skills
  • Add your question.
  • Add the options, By default you will see four sections to add options for the questions.
  • To mark the correct option click on the bubble. It will turn green.
  • Use the Add Option button to add more options.
  • Upload picture: For a question in which an image is to be shown then you can use this option. It's optional.
  • Add Hint in the Hint section - Its Optional
  • After adding all the details, click on Add Question.

Clone Questions

Follow below steps to clone questions from your existing. Question Banks

  • In a Question bank, click on Clone Questions.
  • You will see all your existing question banks. Click on one question bank from which you want to clone the questions.
  • Select the questions you want to clone using the check boxes and click on Add in Own Bank.
  • You will be redirected to your main question bank and you will see the cloned questions.
  • Click on Publish when you are ready with your Question Bank else click on Save as Draft which will be in private status and will not be available for creating an Assessment.

Generate Using AI

Follow below steps to generate questions using AI

  • In a Question bank, click on Generate Using AI
  • Select Question Type for which you want to generate questions MCQ, MAQ, TF, FIB or Coding.
  • Add Skills
  • Add the number of questions you want to generate. There will be a minimum or maximum count limit based on your subscription.
  • Select difficulty level either Easy, Medium or Hard.
  • Click on Generate.

Create a Project Bank

Add your custom projects in this section

Follow below steps to create a Project.
You can bulk upload questions in the Question Bank and create your own Questions library.

  • Navigate to Project Bank.
  • Click on New Project
  • Add Project Details
    • Project Title - Add the name of your project.
    • Platform - Select the platform for which you want to create your project.
    • Skills - Add skills related to your project.
    • Duration - Add duration of the project in Minutes.
    • Difficulty - Choose the difficulty level of your project from Easy, Medium and Hard.
    • Project Task - Select the tasks you want to add for your project
    • Marks - This is the total marks of the project which is based on the tasks you select. Easy - 10 Marks, Medium - 20 and Hard - 30 Marks
    • Pass Marks - Add the qualifying marks.
    • Overview - Add the use cases and details about your project and details of how to access the platform if any.
    • Instructions - Default instructions will be listed in this section, Add or edit based on your requirements.
    • Click on Create.

Create an Assessment

Before creating an assessment, you need to create a question bank by adding your list of questions one by one or by bulk upload.

Follow below steps to create an assessment.

  • Open a workspace.
  • Click on New Assessment. A new window option with the Assessment settings page.

Assessment details:

  • Assessment Name: Title of your assessment
  • Assessment Type: Skill - You can choose only one question bank, Role - You can select multiple question banks for creating the assessment.
  • Start date: Start date and time of the assessment
  • End date: End date and time of the assessment
  • Add duration of the assessment: Total time for the assessment.
  • Assessment Weight: Weightage out of 100%
  • Project Weight: Weightage out of 100% (Assessment Weight + Project Weight should be 100%)

Question Bank

  • Question bank - Select a question bank from the drop-down menu from which you want to import the questions.
  • Number of questions - Once you select a question bank, you will see the available questions on top. Accordingly, add a number of questions.
  • Easy, Medium, and Hard - Add the number of questions that you want to pick from each difficulty level.
  • Total Marks - Will be auto-calculated based on the type of questions you select. Easy: 1 Mark, Medium: 2 Marks, and Hard: 3 Marks.


  • Disable Clipboard: If you want to restrict copy and paste.
  • Start with Full Screen: The assessment will run in full-screen mode.
  • Submit on Tab Switch: If a student switches the tab, the assessment will be ended.
  • Enable Webcam: To record video.
  • Enable Microphone: To record audio.
  • OTP Verification: For verifying the identity using OTP before the assessment starts.
  • Enable Geo Location: This will give you information about the location from where the user is attempting the assessment.


  • Add/Customize the Instructions of your assessment.

Student Report Visibility

  • Show assessment report to the student: Select this if you want the student to access his report.
  • Show assessment questions in the Student report to the student: Select this if you want the student to access his questions in the report.

Question Randomness

  • Shuffle Questions Order: This will shuffle the order of the questions that each student gets.
  • Shuffle Options Order. This will shuffle the order of the option that each student gets.
  • Click on Create to save the assessment.
  • To add Projects follow the below steps

    • Click on the Project tab.
    • On the left-hand side, a list of available projects from the project bank will be shown.
    • Use checkboxes to select the project and click on the Add Project button.
    • See the added projects in the All Selected Projects section. Click on Go back to the workspace once done with the assessment creation.

    Custom email templates

    Customize communication emails for your candidates

    Follow below steps to add Customized email templates

    • Click on “Email templates” from the left navigation menu.
    • There email templates that you can customize. They are Invitation Template, Welcome Template, Reminder Template, Result Template, Completion Template, Interview Template, Verification email - OTP.
    • To update any template, click on the template name on the left.
    • On the right window you will see the Create Template option. Click on it
    • A window will pop up in which you will get options to add
      • Name: Name of the template
      • Subject: Add a short line for candidates to recognize the email context
      • Body: Add your communication content in it
    • Click on Save to save your template
    • Repeat the above step to edit other templates as well

    User Management

    A tenant has an option to add multiple users from their organization who can take various responsibilities of updating, analyzing or monitoring the assessment process.

    Follow below steps to Add a user to your Tenant profile

    • Click on “User Management” from the left navigation menu
    • Click on “Add user”, a pop will come up with following options - Name, Mobile Number, Email, Password and Role
    • Role - There are 3 roles - Super Admin, Admin and Creator
    • Super Admin: You can add multiple Super Admins based on your subscription plan. A Super Admin will have access to all the features including updating Subscription, Deleting any User, Candidates etc.
    • Admin: Admin wll access to most of features excluding, Updating Subscription, Adding or Deleting any User.
    • Creator: A creator will be limited to creating the assessments and any content required on the platform for Assessment
    • After adding users, you will see the user list as below
    • Only a Super Admin has the option to Enable/Disable, Edit or Delete a user

    Tenant Profile Setting

    Follow below steps to update your Tenant profile

    • Click on the Settings icon at the bottom left beside your profile picture
    • A new page opens in which you will see Account, Subscription, API & Integration, Logos and MFA.
    • Account: On this page, you can update your Password and the Mobile number.
    • Subscription
    • API & Integrations
    • Logos: Update logo of your brand.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Absolutely, Troven offers robust tracking features, allowing users to monitor candidates' progress, review their performance, and gain valuable insights to make informed decisions during the evaluation process. Absolutely, Troven offers robust tracking features, allowing users to monitor candidates' progress, review their performance, and gain valuable insights to make informed decisions during the evaluation process. and gain valuable insights to make informed decisions during the evaluation process.

    This is the second item's accordion body. It is hidden by default, until the collapse plugin adds the appropriate classes that we use to style each element. These classes control the overall appearance, as well as the showing and hiding via CSS transitions. You can modify any of this with custom CSS or overriding our default variables. It's also worth noting that just about any HTML can go within the .accordion-body, though the transition does limit overflow.

    This is the third item's accordion body. It is hidden by default, until the collapse plugin adds the appropriate classes that we use to style each element. These classes control the overall appearance, as well as the showing and hiding via CSS transitions. You can modify any of this with custom CSS or overriding our default variables. It's also worth noting that just about any HTML can go within the .accordion-body, though the transition does limit overflow.

    This is the second item's accordion body. It is hidden by default, until the collapse plugin adds the appropriate classes that we use to style each element. These classes control the overall appearance, as well as the showing and hiding via CSS transitions. You can modify any of this with custom CSS or overriding our default variables. It's also worth noting that just about any HTML can go within the .accordion-body, though the transition does limit overflow.

    This is the second item's accordion body. It is hidden by default, until the collapse plugin adds the appropriate classes that we use to style each element. These classes control the overall appearance, as well as the showing and hiding via CSS transitions. You can modify any of this with custom CSS or overriding our default variables. It's also worth noting that just about any HTML can go within the .accordion-body, though the transition does limit overflow.